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6. WHat temperature are products heated to when being canned?

  • 120 degress for 3 minutes
  • 150 degrees for 3 minutes
  • 100 degrees for 3 minutes

7. What is the rough PH for pickelling (to kill bacteria)

  • 4.6
  • 5.8
  • 3.4

8. What is added to enhance shelf life when pickeling?

  • Nitrogen
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Citric Acid

9. The aerobice fermentation in brine to produce lactic acid is called what?

  • Pickelling
  • Salting
  • Drying
  • MAP

10. In MAP packaging the oxygen is replaced with ntrogen?

  • True
  • False

11. In MAP the CO2 helps lower the PH, what does the carbon monoxide do?

  • helps the meat to keep its colour
  • Changes the acidity
  • enhances the flavour

12. AFD stands for

  • Aiding freeze drying
  • Accelerated freeze drying
  • Accurate freezing drum

13. Spray freezing produces a fine powder and kills all bacteria

  • False
  • True

14. Cryogenic freezing uses what to freeze the product?

  • Contant with a cold plate
  • Liquid gasses (nitrogen)
  • Blasts of cold air

15. Immersion freezing uses brines or refridgerators?

  • True
  • False

16. A vertical blast of air freezing the food is otherwise known as?

  • Fluid Bed
  • Blast
  • Plate