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6. Eventually, all organisms in a closed culture will die,

  • True
  • False

7. Primary metabolites are:

  • substances produced by bacteria at the end of their life
  • substances produced by an organism that aren't part of natural growth: for example a reaction to a foreign substance
  • produced by an organism as part of its vital growth
  • not essential to the organisms growth, but they are produced anyway

8. The production curve of primary metabolites ________ the population curve of the organism

  • follows
  • doesn't follow

9. Secondary metabolites usually:

  • are only produced because there is excessive nutrient in their environment
  • are produced in vast quantities
  • have antibiotic properties
  • are toxic, to eliminate competing microorganisms

10. The production curve of secondary metabolites ________ the population curve of the organism

  • doesnt follow
  • follows