A Linha Curva

Flashcards about one of the set works that are studied for the GCSE dance theory exam that takes place in 2018 and onward

Choreographic intention
Having fun, men perusing the women, male competitiveness, the contradiction between the title meaning the curved line and the pathways used in the dance
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The setting on the stage
black dance floor, black background, raised platform that the live musicians (a band called percossa) perform on
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Costume Female
Brightly coloured neon hot pants in a variety of colours, black tunic style tops that are almost backless and a zip on the front in the same colour as the hot pants positioned in a straight line in a variety of directions
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Costume Male
Brightly coloured neon hot pants in a variety of colours, the same top as the women but reversed so that the large cut out is at the front and the zip is on the back
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They used a lighting grid to create all the different colour and different patterned checkerboard designs
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Aural Setting
There are 4 live percussionists and vocal sounds from the musicians and the dancers. The accompaniment structure supports the idea of the curved line.
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Costume contributions
the costumes allow the audience to see the body easily. the zip lines add to the contradiction behind the title.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


black dance floor, black background, raised platform that the live musicians (a band called percossa) perform on


The setting on the stage

Card 3


Brightly coloured neon hot pants in a variety of colours, black tunic style tops that are almost backless and a zip on the front in the same colour as the hot pants positioned in a straight line in a variety of directions


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Brightly coloured neon hot pants in a variety of colours, the same top as the women but reversed so that the large cut out is at the front and the zip is on the back


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


They used a lighting grid to create all the different colour and different patterned checkerboard designs


Preview of the back of card 5
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