A-Level Mock Improvements

Non-Composite Data Types definition (1)
Required in answer:
that doesn't involve a reference to another type/typically a built in language
1 of 13
Examples of non-composite data types: give at least (2)
1. Pointer
2. Boolean
3. Integer
4. String
5. Float/Real
6. Char
2 of 13
A short explanation of each of the given examples give at least (2)
1. (A whole number) Will reference a memory location. E.g. Type TmonthPointer = ^Tmonth
2. Stores a true or false/ 1 or 0 value (also accept on or off) E.g. TRUE
3. Stores a whole number E.g. 3
4. Stores several alphanumerical characters E.g. "Hello"
3 of 13
Define Composite data type (1)
A data type that is created from other data types
4 of 13
Examples of Composite data types (2)
1. Sets
2. Classes
3. Lists
4. Arrays
5. Records
5 of 13
Give a short summary of each of these (2)
1. They follow a set of algebraic rules to determine the values within them
2. Gives the properties and methods for an object
3. Collection of items that have different data types
4. Collection of items that have the same data type
5. A collection of rela
6 of 13
State 1 advantage and disadvantage of Packet switching
Pro: If there's a fault along one of the channels the packets can be rerouted to take another channel to get to the destination
Con: Long waiting time as the packets will have to be reassembled in the correct order, at the destination
7 of 13
State 1 advantage and disadvantage of circuit switching
Pro: Data does not have to be reordered upon arrival as it will arrive in the order that it was transmitted in
Con: If there's a fault along the channel, the packets can not be sent, as there's no alternate channel, so the connection is terminated
8 of 13
State the code structure that is used for exception handling in Python (1)
some code
Some code
9 of 13
What is exception handling? (2)
Code which is called when a run-time error occurs (1)
To avoid the program from terminating/crashing (1)
10 of 13
Give examples of exceptions that can be anticipated in a school system of student details documents: (3)
1. Opening of a non existent file
2. A non integer value is used
3. The array subscript is out of the permitted range
4. Attempt to either read past the end of a file or reading an empty file
5. File opened in the wrong mode (i.e. opening file in write mo
11 of 13
State the method in which we can create a private attribute in python:
Use Double underscore:
12 of 13
What is a method that we could use to run an exception for when a file is not found, (python)
except IOERROR:
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


1. Pointer
2. Boolean
3. Integer
4. String
5. Float/Real
6. Char


Examples of non-composite data types: give at least (2)

Card 3


1. (A whole number) Will reference a memory location. E.g. Type TmonthPointer = ^Tmonth
2. Stores a true or false/ 1 or 0 value (also accept on or off) E.g. TRUE
3. Stores a whole number E.g. 3
4. Stores several alphanumerical characters E.g. "Hello"


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A data type that is created from other data types


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


1. Sets
2. Classes
3. Lists
4. Arrays
5. Records


Preview of the back of card 5
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