A Christmas Carol

'a forgiving hand trembled'
showing Scrooge that he has a chance of redemption
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'the phantom glided'
personifying supernatural abilities
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'it was shrouded in a deep black garment'
it is a mystery, we never learn of its form beside the black garment, the theme of black causes association with the grim reaper
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'silently, quietly, stealthily approached'
it moves towards Scrooge like a predator approaches its prey
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'a rusted scabbard'
showing that the GOCPR does not fight but believes in peace, Christmas is a peaceful celebration
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'a jolly giant'
Christmas is a time for happiness, giant suggests that the Christmas celebration main purpose is to bring happiness ot people
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'come in and know me better human'
showing friendliness, Christmas is a time to be nice to people and open with others
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'on his brow I see spelt doom'
the poor's Ignorance and Want will cause society to collapse if the problem is not addressed
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'you wish to put out the light I give'
the light suggests Christmas spirit and happiness, Scrooge wants to put it out because he associates Christmas with his past which brings pain
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'it was a strange figure like a child: yet not like a child'
showing that the past can be innocent or cruel, showing innocence and wisdom
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'crown of its head there sprung a bright clear jet of light'
'light' is associated with happiness, showing Scrooge that his past had happiness in it he just refuses to see it
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'show me no more'
Scrooge is rejecting his past out of fear
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'can I not take them all at once'
Scrooge wants to get it over with, he is afraid of his past and the supernatural
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'bah humbug'
Scrooge's omnipresent negative attitude in the beginning of the novella
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'he was hard and sharp as flint'
showing that he was quick to the point and rude
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'steel had ever struck out generous fire'
he was never generous yet he had the potential to be, his avarice stopped him from being a philanthropist
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'I wear the chain I forged in life'
showing that his sins are affecting Marley's Ghost in death, showing the consequences of his sins during life, Scrooge has lived longer than Marley and begins to grow fearful of how long his chain will be
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'God bless everyone'
Tiny Tim pure innocence becomes tragic and creates sympathy from the reader because we know he will die in the possible future but he is just a kind hearted child
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'a single coal in the fire place'
showing Scrooge's abuse to Bod Crachit, Bob Crachit's Christmas spirit is struggling to stay alive when working under Scrooge
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'are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?'
a sign of ignorance of how cruel the workhouses and prisons where for the poor, Scrooge learns how cruel he was to the poor
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


'the phantom glided'


personifying supernatural abilities

Card 3


'it was shrouded in a deep black garment'


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


'silently, quietly, stealthily approached'


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


'a rusted scabbard'


Preview of the front of card 5
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