3BDS: endodontic 6 pt 4+5

what's the purpose of sealers
fill the spaces between the gutta percha cones and between the canal wall to ensure a fluid tight seal
1 of 9
what are the properties of seals
provide fluid tight seal
no shrinkage with setting, slow setting time , fill canal irregularities, bacteriostatic, lubricant, adhere to dentine radiopaque.
2 of 9
give some examples of traditional sealers
zinc oxide eugenol, calcium hydroxide, epoxy resin, glass ionomer, polyketone
3 of 9
give some example of bioceramics in dentistry
alumina and zirconia used in prosthodontics
4 of 9
bioactive glass and glass ceramic- what are they. used for
cardiology, restorative dentistry in desensitising toothpaste, bonding materials
5 of 9
what is an example. of porous ceramic
calcium-phosphate based materials
6 of 9
calcium silicates- what are they used in
root repair materials , root canal sealers, root end fillings for pulp capping and pulpotomy
7 of 9
bioceramic sealers properties
biocompatible, chemically stable, high pH during setting, nanotechnology, hydrophilic, do not shrink on setting ands expand slightly
8 of 9
what is the 1st and 2nd generation of calcium silicate cements
1st= mineral trioxide aggregate
2nd= biodentine, bioaggregate
9 of 9

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Card 2


what are the properties of seals


provide fluid tight seal
no shrinkage with setting, slow setting time , fill canal irregularities, bacteriostatic, lubricant, adhere to dentine radiopaque.

Card 3


give some examples of traditional sealers


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


give some example of bioceramics in dentistry


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


bioactive glass and glass ceramic- what are they. used for


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