2/3 Hub Quiz!

I should try to only go to the toilet…
during playtime and lunchtime.
1 of 6
What do I do if I desperately need to go to the toilet during lessons?
Go quietly and sensibly. I should NOT disturb the groups in the hub.
2 of 6
When I am moving around the hub to go to my English, Maths or Phonics lesson I should…
Walk sensibly to my group and line up silently. Become a changeover champion!
3 of 6
When I am getting changed for PE I should
Get changed very quickly and quietly. Make sure my class are Super Speedy Changers!
4 of 6
When the bell rings for the end of playtime I should…
Get down from the play equipment, put any other equipment down and stand still until my class is called.
5 of 6
If I have a problem at lunchtime I should…
Tell a midday supervisor. I should also tell my teacher after lunch if I think it is serious enough.
6 of 6

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Card 2


What do I do if I desperately need to go to the toilet during lessons?


Go quietly and sensibly. I should NOT disturb the groups in the hub.

Card 3


When I am moving around the hub to go to my English, Maths or Phonics lesson I should…


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When I am getting changed for PE I should


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When the bell rings for the end of playtime I should…


Preview of the front of card 5
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