20th Century America

The president of America during WW1
Woodrow Wilson
1 of 12
The opposing party before the 20s, that was in charge of congress
Democratic Republicans
2 of 12
The process in which America could make lots of items in the minimum amount of time
Mass Production
3 of 12
The political party Woodrow Wilson belonged to
Liberal Democrats
4 of 12
The successor of Harding after his sudden death
5 of 12
A popular type of music that arose in the 1920s period
6 of 12
The president that was elected in the 1920s election after Wilson
Warren Harding
7 of 12
A way of telling people about an item on a widespread scale that was made popular in the 1920s
8 of 12
A belief that individuals were responsible for their own lives
Rugged Individualism
9 of 12
The car manufacturer that kickstarted economy in the 20s
10 of 12
A new, cheap, affordable material introduced in this era
11 of 12
The act of borrowing money with the hope of the value of it increasing beyond the debt caused and making a profit from it
12 of 12

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Card 2


The opposing party before the 20s, that was in charge of congress


Democratic Republicans

Card 3


The process in which America could make lots of items in the minimum amount of time


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The political party Woodrow Wilson belonged to


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The successor of Harding after his sudden death


Preview of the front of card 5
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