2. populations and samples

  • Created by: eviebrad
  • Created on: 17-02-23 11:09

1. sample size

  • large enough to be representative/reliable, drop out not accounted for
  • small enough to be representative/reliable, drop out accounted for
  • large enough to be representative/reliable, drop out accounted for
  • large enough to not be representative/reliable, drop out accounted for
1 of 20

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2. what is a stratified sample

  • sample is divided on the basis of some characteristic before random selection
  • population is divided on the basis of some characteristic before random selection
  • population is divided on the basis of some characteristic before biased selection
  • population is selected on the basis of some characteristic before random selection

3. is systematic sampling random

  • only random if the results list is in a random order
  • only random if the population list is in a random order
  • only random if the population list is in a certain order
  • not random if the population list is in a random order

4. experimental research

  • attempts to establish why
  • attempts to establish what
  • attempts to establish when
  • attempts to establish where

5. what is simple random sampling

  • selection of participants for a study that provides equal chance of selection for all people in a population
  • selection of results for a study that provides equal chance of selection for all people in a population
  • selection of participants for a study that provides an inequal chance of selection for all people in a population
  • selection of participants for a study that provides equal chance of selection for some people in a population


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