18th and 19th century medicine

  • Created by: joemrris1
  • Created on: 13-02-17 17:43
Louis Pasteur (D&I)
Step one - invention of the microscope in late 1600's / Step two - 1830, Lister invented a microscope that magnifies 1000x
1 of 10
Louis Pasteur pt.2 (D&I)
Step three - Pasteur asked to save the wine industry, he developed the germ theory and the pasteurisation process / Step four - Pasteur is trying to prove his theory, Pouchet is trying to prove him wrong with spontaneous generation theory
2 of 10
Louis Pasteur pt.3 (D&I)
1861 Pasteur publishes his germ theory / Step five - Pasteur proves that germs also cause disease in animals / Robert Koch builds on these theories and says specific germs cause specific diseases
3 of 10
Edward Jenner (D&I)
Foundation of immunisation / Came up with the first vaccination / Inoculation to immunisation / Had an interest in small pox / Wrote down his findings in 1798 and called his finding 'vaccination' / Gave cowpox to prevent small pox
4 of 10
Edward Jenner pt.2 (D&I)
He couldn't full explain why his ideas worked
5 of 10
Robert Koch (D&I)
Read up on Pasteurs theory and was given a microscope for his birthday / very careful with his research / proves specific germs cause specific diseases / developed a way of growing bacteria / came up with the idea of staying bacteria
6 of 10
James Simpson (S&A)
Discovers the properties of chloroform / professor of midwifery / used it to relive labour pains
7 of 10
James Simpson opposition (S&A)
New and untested gas / didn't know about dosage / people died from it / believed its not natural to relieve pain during birth
8 of 10
Joseph Lister Jr. (S&A)
Researched infection for a long time / read Pasteurs germ theory / 1867, carbolic acid used during surgery (DID WORK)
9 of 10
Joseph Lister Jr. opposition (S&A)
People don't like him / made surgery more expensive / slowed down surgery but didn't have a way to stop blood / opposition started to disappear in 1878 when Koch discovered that bacteria causes septicemia
10 of 10

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Card 2


Step three - Pasteur asked to save the wine industry, he developed the germ theory and the pasteurisation process / Step four - Pasteur is trying to prove his theory, Pouchet is trying to prove him wrong with spontaneous generation theory


Louis Pasteur pt.2 (D&I)

Card 3


1861 Pasteur publishes his germ theory / Step five - Pasteur proves that germs also cause disease in animals / Robert Koch builds on these theories and says specific germs cause specific diseases


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Card 4


Foundation of immunisation / Came up with the first vaccination / Inoculation to immunisation / Had an interest in small pox / Wrote down his findings in 1798 and called his finding 'vaccination' / Gave cowpox to prevent small pox


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Card 5


He couldn't full explain why his ideas worked


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