
  • Created by: hafsraz
  • Created on: 31-05-21 22:26
what is a viral disease?
infection caused by the presence of a virus in the body.
1 of 5
what are measles, symptoms, and treatment?
measles are a viral disease
fever rashes and coughs
there is no cure but isolation is recommended
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what is HIV/ AIDS, symptoms, and treatment?
HIV is a virus that can lead to AIDS
mild flu and attacks the body and stays there until the immune system is damaged to the extent of some cancers being developed.
there is no cure or vaccine against this
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how is HIV spread?
through sexual contact, and exchange of body fluids or shring needles, through breastfeeding.
4 of 5
what is the tobacco mosaic virus, symptoms, and treatment?
the TMV is a widespread plant pathogen that has a pattern of a mosaic, the colour of leaves go making growth less because of less photosynthesis,
good field hygine can decrease the spread
5 of 5

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Card 2


what are measles, symptoms, and treatment?


measles are a viral disease
fever rashes and coughs
there is no cure but isolation is recommended

Card 3


what is HIV/ AIDS, symptoms, and treatment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how is HIV spread?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the tobacco mosaic virus, symptoms, and treatment?


Preview of the front of card 5


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