With close reference to the language and imagery in the extract, analyse Shakespeare’s presentation of the character of Cordelia in Act 4, Scene 4


With close reference to the language and imagery in the extract, analyse Shakespeare’s presentation of the character of Cordelia in Act 4, Scene 4


In act 4, scene 4 of Shakespeare’s King Lear, Cordelia is presented as a pure, god like figure who has a special connection with nature; “you unpublish’d virtues of the earth, spring with my tears!” Cordelia is directly addressing nature as if she has godly powers that allow her to communicate with it, similar to mother nature. The word “virtues” suggests that Cordelia appreciates nature as she describes it using a word associated with honor and purity. The fact that she appreciate the natural world further depicts her to be pure. In addition, she is commanding nature to “spring with her (my) tears”, which again suggests that Cordelia is so pure she could bring dying flowers back to life with her tears.

Cordelia is further presented as kind hearted and forgiving when she refers to her father as a “good man”. Despite the fact that Lear banished Cordelia for her honesty, she still loves him and forgives him for his mistake, and can see the good in people. She commands that everyone “seek” him before his “ungovern’g rage dissolve the life that wants the means to lead it”. The use of the word “ungovern’d” to describe Lear’s behaviour shows that Cordelia does not blame him for his actions; she understands that he is old and mad, and that he is not an truly evil man. Cordelia realises that Lear is impulsive and hot tempered, and that often he does and says things he does not mean. Cordelia can also be seen as caring and thoughtful here, as she puts time and effort into finding her father, rather than abandoning him like he did do her. If she were bitter, she would let him suffer.

Further on in the extract, Cordelia can be seen as stoic and


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