war photographer vs poppies

  • Created by: mikiniki
  • Created on: 18-12-22 19:32

Both poems present war as very influential on ppl that aren’t directly involved in the conflict.

WP- structure, 

  • 4 stanzas w 6 lines>> the rigid/incorrigible nature of war but also how the photographer varies w their emotions- he ‘has a job to do’ & showing, no feeling of remorse to the ‘hundred agonies’

P- structure

  • dramatic monologue, we only hear from the mother’s perspective >> her dominance, but it's ironic as she was powerless to stop her ‘intoxicated’ son from leaving, perhaps Weir is >> how the patriarchy also plays a part on the mother

Both poems have contrasting characters : WP- character is devoid of emotions, whereas


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