Virtue Ethics


Virtue Ethics is a type of Ethics created by ARISTOTLE as he believed an AGENT BASED ethics would be better than an ACTION BASED ethics like DEONTELOGICAL and TELEOLOGICAL theories. It is also known as ARETAIC ETHICS from the greek word ARETE meaning VIRTUE. The ETHICS OF ETHOS (characteristics) our TELOS is to reach EUDAIMONIA (TO FLOURISH) 


VIRTUE ETHICS is AGENT BASED as it believes only a MORAL ACTION can be done if the person themselves is MORAL depending on their CHARACTERISTICS. Follows MIND BODY AND SOUL - DUALISM

We should NOT focus of whether the action itself is moral, but find the GOLDEN MEAN of each ACTION or CHARACTERISTIC to become moral - even if it takes time it is all part of our personal learning curve to become MORAL PEOPLE. 

It is NO ORDINARY form of ethics. It is different and allows flexibility for people to ASPIRE and LEARN to become better in themselves to do MORAL ACTIONS. 

ARISTOTLE knew that ACTION CENTRED ethics was PROBLOMATIC as it could not be universalised due to people being different. It is also in CONSTANT CHANGE as society changes.

However, with VIRTUE ethics that element is removed and people can all be virtuous no matter where they are from and what their morals are, whatever the golden mean is is what is good.


There is always (says aristotle) a VICE OF ACCESS and a VICE OF DEFFICIENCY and a GOLDEN MEAN.


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