Virtue Ethics

  • Created by: Beckie
  • Created on: 10-06-11 11:47

Virtue ethics doesn't focus on actions being right or wrong but on how to be a good person, it looks at what makes a good person and the qualities or characteristics that make them good.

Aristotle - distinguishes between things that are good as a means (for the sake of something else) and as an end (for the end sake only). Aristotle saw two types of virtues intellectual - where they are developed by skill and education such as intelligence and Moral - where they are developed by habit such as friendliness. He believed that we all have the potential to develop intellectual and moral virtues but only few actually achieve it. 
Virtues can be found  in the golden mean which involves finding a balance between 2 extremes for example people can be to cowardice or rash so the golden mean would be courage which takes a balance from the two.

Modern virtue ethics -

Philippa foot attempted to modernize Aristotle's virtue ethics, she recognised the importance of the persons own reasoning and claimed that the virtues benifit the individual by leading to eudaimonia. Virtues are good for us as they help us to correct harmful human passions and temptations.


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