Unit 3 - Personal and Business Finance


Avoid Common Money Mistakes

We all have shortcomings when it comes to managing finances, but many of us aren't aware of them. Identifying the underlying money management mistakes you might be making can help you ditch less-effective financial habits and take control of your future.


Start by considering the following common money mistakes to know what NOT to do with your money:


Spend Mindlessly

Do you spend money on things that don't matter to you? It's easier to make purchases that align with your priorities when you determine your life values and set financial goals. By uncovering what you cherish most, you will be better equipped to make wise financial decisions that align with your core values.


Let Your Financial Paperwork Pile Up

Make time to get organized. Stay on top of your finances so you are aware of important information about your accounts and know when payments are due. Actively managing your finances will help you avoid unnecessary late fees and additional interest charges.


Shortchange Your Savings

Do save for short-term goals. Just make


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