

What is unemployment?

  •  When those who are actively seeking work are unable to find a job

  • A waste of resources

    • If people aren’t working, they are not making any contribution to economic output in their country=lower county GDP

  • Unemployed people  will have a lower living standard

How is it measured?

  • Carry out a survey

    • In the EU, it’s the Labour Force Survey 

    • Done monthly

  • Anyone who has at least one hour’s paid work in a week, or temporarily away from a job (vacation) is unemployed

Type of Unemployment

 Cyclical/Demand Deficient Unemployment

  • Linked to economic cycle

  • When an economy moves from a boom into a downturn/ People lose their jobs because demand for goods and services start to fall

Structural unemployment

  • Changes in the structure of the economy

There are three main types…

  • Sectoral unemployment

    • When people are laid off because their industry is in decline

  • Technological unemployment

    • Jobs previously done by people are now done by machines

  • Regional unemployment

    • Unemployment in a country isn’t likely to be the same in all regions

    • For example, South east of England has a lower unemployment rate than the North-east

Seasonal unemployment

  • Some workers are only required for certain times of the year

  • Little can be done to reduce this unemployment because it is linked to the climate

Voluntary Unemployment

  • Most people are unemployed against their wishes


  • There are people who choose not to work=Voluntarily unemployed

  • May choose this because they don’t like the wages offered, or they don’t like the idea of work

Frictional Unemployment

  • Short-term unemployment

  • Occurs when moving from one job to another

  • Will always exist in an economy but isn’t a problem

Impact of Unemployment


  • Productive potential of a country is not being fully exploited

    • Levels


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