Types of Attachment


The Strange Situation

- Developed by Ainsworth and Bell (1970)

- Controlled observation conducted through a two-way mirror

- Designed to measure the security of attachment a baby displays towards a caregiver

- Procedure has seven episodes, which each last three minutes, starting with the caregiver and baby entering an unfamiliar playroom:

1. Baby encouraged to explore (tests exploration and secure base behaviour)

2. Stranger comes in, talks to caregiver and approaches baby (tests stranger anxiety)

3. Caregiver leaves baby and stranger together (tests separation and stranger anxiety)

4. Caregiver returns and stranger leaves (tests reunion behaviour and exploration/secure base)

5. Caregiver leaves baby alone (tests separation anxiety)

6. Stranger returns (tests stranger anxiety)

7. Caregiver returns and reunited with baby again (tests reunion behaviour)

Findings of Ainsworth et al. (1978)

- Distinct patterns in way babies behaved

- Three main types of attachment: secure, insecure-avoidant and insecure-resistant

Secure Attachment (Type B)

- Explore happily but regularly go back to caregiver (proximity-seeking and secure-base behaviour)

- Moderate separation distress and moderate stranger anxiety

- Require and accept comfort from caregiver in reunion stage

- 60-75% of British babies

Insecure-avoidant Attachment (Type A)

- Explore freely but do not seek proximity or show secure-base behaviour

- Little/no reaction when caregiver leaves and little stranger anxiety

- Little effort and may even avoid making contact when caregiver returns

- 20-25% British babies

Insecure-resistant Attachment (Type C)

- Seek greater proximity than others so explore less

- High levels of stranger and separation


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