tort law liability in negligance

  • Created by: Eth01
  • Created on: 27-05-24 15:31

liability in negligance 

negligance was defined in blythe v birmighham water works co 1856 defined as somthing which the reasonable person would do or doing somthing which the reasonable person would not do 

Donahgue V stevenson created the neigbour principle- where our acts and omissions so closley and directly affect our neigbours we ought to owe them a duty of care 

kent v grifiths defined if the damage was reasonably forseeable 

hill v cc west yorkshire defined if it is fair just and resoanble to impose a duty of care

bourhill v young defined proximity in time soace or realtionship 

negligance can arise from either an act or omission making it a strict liability offence 

standard of proof in negligance cases id balance of probabilites which is more than 50% chane of fault 

burdan of proof is on the claiment 

a defendant is only liabilty if a duty of care was owed there was a breach of the duty…


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