Tis Pity Characterisation

  • Created by: peet797
  • Created on: 01-06-16 12:33



  • Italian translation for 'young man', described as a youth already in decline
  • By defending incest, a practice strictly against the laws of man and of God, his reason directly undermines his faith
  • Dangerously misapplies both his intellect and his eloquence in order to satisfy his lust
  • Not only does he invent arguments to justify incest, he also asserts a woman's loss of chastity are not serious matters
  •  His incestuous desire seems to warp Giovanni's intellectual prowess so that he begins to force arguments that are illogical, also distorting his capacity to love
  • Becomes increasingly jealous, possessive and paranoid
  • Turns inwards, looking to the womb that gave him birth to provide him with a lover


  • ·         Struggle between sin and virtue is most clearly shown through Annabella as she continually tries to decide between God and Giovanni however her true feelings are almost impossible to judge
  • ·         Annabella in the final scene is reduced to a single piece of flesh with her body being kept offstage
  • ·         Ford dedicates the final line of the play to her, where she is blamed for everything, commenting on cultural stereotypes of women and the oppression they face
  • ·         Traditionally women in regards to love in literature are portrayed as both powerful and weak
  • ·         Sexual and passionate women are shown to be dangerous e.g. Hippolita and Putana 


  • ·         Ford's Friar is clearly borrowed from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, similarly he is a confidant to the male protagonist, offering philosophical guidance and


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