The digestive system

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 01-04-13 20:50
  • Food contains a lot of large insoluble molevules that cannot get into blood
  • These need to be broken down into small soluble molecules such as glucose, which can pass into the blood and so be used in cells
  • Food is broken down in a process called digestion, which takes place in organ ststem called the digestive system
  • The digestive system is mad up of the alimentary canal, a muscular tube running through the body from mouth to anus, and several other organs that make chemicals needed for digestion (such as enzymes)

1. Mouth

  • Where food is taken into the body
  • During chewing, teeth  break up the fod into small pieces
  • This increases the surface area for digestive enzymes to work on
  • The tongue helps to form the chewwed food into a ball called a bolus
  • The bolus gets coated in saliva which lubricates it and makes it easier to swalow
  • Saliva also contains an enzyme that starts to break down the starch


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