The Emigree

  • Created by: loupardoe
  • Created on: 16-03-17 07:37


  • the speaker describes having left her country behind when she was a child, but never losing her child-like image of it
  • whatever bad news she hears of it, she remembers the sunlight and its beauty
  • as an adult, she is becoming aware tha tthis is a false image, but she cannot forget or dismiss this view
  • she cannot return to her city but she is preocuppied by images and fantasies of it

key aspects

  • rumens uses a range of strong similies and metaphors to present poem's ideas
  • these focus of the speaker's memories of his city, giving the reader a strong impression of their clarity and beauty
  • there is a clear first person viewpoint and it is mostly in the present tense
  • the stanzas are all end-stopped and all end with the noun 'sunlight'

key setting: the speaker's city

  • the speaker's city is presented as full of light, with 'white streets' and 'graceful slopes'
  • throughout the poem, rumens focuses on the relationship between the city and the speaker rather than describing it in physical terms
  • we learn nothing about what the city's buildings are like, for example, nor what landmarks are there, but we do see emotions ascribed to it
  • rumens personifies the city as 'docile' at first when it visits the speaker in the final stanza, then more like a lover when it 'takes me dancing' and finally as fearful when it 'hides behind me'

key technique: imagery

  • this is a poem rich in imagery, with strong and complex images to analyse in each stanza
  • in the first, the deceptively simple metaphor 'my…


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