Teleological argument


Teleological argument

derrived from the greek "telos" meaning 'end' or 'purpose'.
The argument was not created by Aqinus, Aquinus has one of the versions of the argument. The argument is centered on the idea that the world could not have come about by chance, also bringing focus on the intracacies of the natural world and how it seems to all fit together, pointing to a great designer.

All versions of the argument are analogical, based on the idea of contingency and are A posteriori, synthetic and inductive. The conclusion being not logically necessary, only logically possible.

His version of the telological argument is in the fifth way - 'suma theologica' within this he states that everything in nature is "directed to its goal by someone with understanding, and this we call God "He argues that the fact there is design in the world points towards and intelligent designer.

furthered Aqunias' theory with his watch analogy, an adaptiation of the argument 'Natural Theology 1802' - most famous


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