Supply side policies

  • Created by: Jess
  • Created on: 19-04-14 11:45

Supply side policies: policies designed to increase AS by improving effiency of labour and product markets 

If supply side policies are successful, they will increase productive potential; help prevent inflation; reduce structural unemployment; reduce frictional unemployment; improve the country's trade position

Examples of supply side policies:

  • Education and training: government investment in education and training should raise the occupational mobility of labur and labour productivity

Human capital: education, training and experience that a worker, or group of workers, posesses.

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  • Government assistance to new firms: new firms develop entrepreneurial skills, but may find it difficult to break into established markets. A government may help by providing them with grants/ low corporation tax

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  • Reduction in direct tax: lower direct taxes increase incentives to firms, worker and potential workers. A cut in corporation tax will increase both funds to invest and funds from return on investment taken. If investment increases productive capacity will rise.

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