Structure of cell membranes

  • Cell membranes are partially permeable barriers- they separate the cell's contents from its external environment.
  • They need to allow some molecules into or out of the cell.
  • Some organelles in the cell have membranes that are barriers too.

PERMEABILITY = The ability to let substances through

  • Some very small molecules simply diffuse through the cell; some dissolve in the bilayer and pass through; others pass through protein channels or are carried by carrier proteins

The role of membranes

At the surface of cells:

The plasma membrane:

  • Separates the cell's components from its external environment
  • Regulates transport of materials into and out of the cell
  • May contain enzymes
  • Has antigens, so that the cell's immune system can recognise foreign antigens as 'non-self'
  • Contains receptors for cell signalling

Within cells:

  • The


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