Statement of Financial position


Statement of Financial Position - Calculates the net worth of a business by balancing what the business owns against what it owes

A statement of financial position is a snapshot of a business's net worth at a particular moment in time, normally the end of a financial year. It is a summary of everything that the business owns and owes.

Non-current assets : 

Are those items of value that are owned by the business and likely to stay within the business for more than 1 year.

  • Tangible assets
    • They can be touched
      • premises
      • fixtures
      • fittings
      • equipment
      • vehicles
  • Intangible assets
    • They cannot be touched
      • goodwill
      • brand name
      • patent

Current assets : 

Are those items of value owned by a business whose value is likely to fluctuate on a regular basis.

  • Inventories - The value of stock held at that moment in time
  • Trade receivables - People who owe the business money
  • Prepayments - When an expense is made in advance of the period to which it relates
  • Cash in the bank
  • Cash in hand

Current Liabilities : 

Something owed by the business that should be paid back in under 1 year

  • Overdrafts - The ability to withdraw money from a current account that you do not have
  • Accruals - When an expense is paid after the


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