Star Wars-Rebel Blockade Runner

  • Created by: Livi
  • Created on: 30-03-17 09:37


-Leitmotifs based around the tonic and the dominant (Bb and F)

-4th and 7th leaps

-Rebel Fanfare used

-Leitmotif (Luke's) A-loud and dramatic

-Leitmotif (Luke's)B-contasting leitmotif A

Harmony and Tonality

-Is in key Bb

-Part 1-Bbmajor

-Part2-atonal(no key signature)

-Rebel theme-Abminor

-Quartal harmony (4ths) 4 note leaps

-Some bitonal clashes

-Major key-happy and uplifting


-ABA-ternary form

-Part 2-4 sections

B-contarsting section

-Piccolo solo

Part one =


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