Social Psychology


Relationship Satisfaction and Conflict:

Attachment Styles:

Attachment behaviour in adults towards their children includes a balance between responding sensitively and appropriately to the child's needs but also allowing them to explore their environment and learn. This behaviour appears universal across cultures. 

Infant Attachment Cycle: Baby has a Need -- Baby Cries -- Need is met by Caregiver -- Trust Develops 

Parent-Child Relationship is 1-way. Parents give, and the child receives. 

A Working Model of Relationships is based on past experiences in relationships, and also stems from parent-child interactions in infancy. 

1) SECURE ATTACHMENT: About 60% of the population, similar in men and women. 

For secure attachment in relationships, there needs to be trust, reliability, and stability. Also a positive view of self and partner. 

2) ANXIOUS ATTACHMENT: About 25% of the population, more common in women. 

There is a concern that others are inconsistent - say they care but might fail us when needed most. Needs lots of reassurance, which can put


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