  • Created by: bliss
  • Created on: 07-05-13 19:46

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are needed to keep the body healthy. Too little food leads to a person being underweight and prone to certain types of illness, while too much food and not enough exercise leads to a person being overweight and other types of ill health.


A mixture of different types of food in the correct amounts is needed to maintain health.

The main food groups are carbohydrates,fatsandproteins.

This table summarises some typical sources of these nutrients and why our bodies need them.

The main food groups

Food groupFound inNeeded by our bodies for: Carbohydrates

potato, banana, pasta (

potatoes, pasta, bread, bananas, sugar and rice a source of energy for life processes Fats

cheese (

cheese, butter, margarine and oils a source of energy for life processes: fats are also needed to make cell membranes and to insulate our bodies Proteins

meat (

meat, fish, eggs and cheese growth and repair - building cells

Mineral ions andvitaminsare also important in a healthy diet. They are needed in small amounts for healthy functioning of the…


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