

Clinical Characteristics of Schizophrenia

Positive symptoms- those that appear to reflect an excess or distortion of normal functions- exaggeration of normal functioning.

Delusions of gradeur- bizarre beliefs that seem real to the person with schizoprehnia but aren't. sometime these can be paranoid, involve inflated beliefs about persons power and importance. Delusions of reference involve the belief that the behaviour or comments of others are meant for them alone- what is real and not real. 

Experiences of Control- the person may believe they are under the control of an alien force that's invaded their mind and body-no longer in control of their mond or body. 

Hallucinations- bizzare unreal perceptions of the environment that are usually auditory (hearing voices) but mya be visual (seeing lights, objects or faces), olfactory (smelling things) or tactile (feeling bugs are crawling in or on skin).

Disordered Thinking- feeling that thoughts have been inderted or withdrawn from the mind. in some cases the person may believe their thoughts are being broadcast so others can hear them. Disorganised thinking cannot be directly observed but it will manifest itself as disorganised speech (incoherent non-logical speech) of which there are several types: neologisms, clang, word salad (jump from one thing to another).

Negative symptoms- those that appear to reflect a diminution or loss of normal functions- misdignosed as depression 

Affective Flattening- reduction in the range and intensity of emotional expression, including facial expression, voice tone, eye contact and body


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