
  • Created by: F.W1234
  • Created on: 09-04-18 11:41


  • Each gamete contains 23 cromosomes half the number of a normal body cell (23 pairs which is 46 individual)
  • Involves the fusion of male and female gametes. Because  there are two parents, the offspring contains a mixture of the parents DNA.
  • Flowering plants use this, they have eggs but the sperm is called pollen.


  • Happens by mitosis.
  • Only one parent, no fusion of gametes, no genetic variation (no mixing of chromosomes), the offspring are genetically identical.
  • Bacteria and some plants use this.


  • To make gemetes with half the number of chromosomes so that when they fuse (during sexual reproduction) they produce a cell with the same number of chromosomes as a body cell.
  • Involves two cell divisions.


1) Duplicates its genetic information and each chromome lines up with a pair.

2)In the FIRST division the chromosomes line up in the…


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