

Lecture 1: 

What is envriomental management?

It is a decision making process that regulates the relationship between humans and the envrioment. The decision needs to take into account the needs of the current population without impairing the future population and thier right on the enviroment. 

  • emphasis on stewardship so that there can be a long term plan that priduces a sustainable enviroment
  • implementation rather than theory

Within the decision making one needs to take account of 

Enviromental Process: these are naturally occuring actions that can cause a change in the envrioment. When combined they create a system which consists of 

a) a set of components ( waves)

b) a flow of energy which powers the components ( wind )

c) regulation by positive and negative feedback: 

    • Positive: amplifies and causes a change to occur hence moving away from the original point 
    • Negative:  buffer changes causing an equalibrium to be formed

One big factor that regulates these decisons are the interaction of humans with the environment. The health of humans depends on the ecosystem services that are provided by the enviroment hence to have effective management the surronding problem and the problem itself needs to be addressed. To do this answer

1) What is happening 

2) Consequences 

3)Actions that are taking place 

4)Direction of the plan- vision 

5) Any other actions that can be taken to make a sustainable future?

once these questions are dealt with assess them with 

Drivers- the activities that have direct impact

Pressure- what humans can do to get change

State- of the enviroment, what are the trends that are occuring 

Impact- on the humans by the changes on the enviro

Responses- active mangement by the interaction of drivers,pressure and impacts

Lec 2:

Who is responsible for envriomental governance?

All of us, yet how do we take action?

a) Enviromental Goverance: how we as humans exercise our authority to make the right decisions for the enviroment. The decison can be made at many levels from the public, private and also the civil sector. 

  •  Enviro justice: is the fair treatment and the involvement of all people regardless of race,sex, income etc. to implement enviro laws

b) Sustainable development which comprises of meeting the needs of the present poplulation without imparing the future population and thier right on the enviroment. It deals with not just the outcomes but also the processes that cause a conclusion ot occur.

What are the approaches to mangaging the envrio well? 

1)  Top-down process: plans and decisions are formed at the top but it is implemented from the bottom.

  • It is more compartmentalised- only single discipline specialist
  • alot of emphasis on technology as the main driver for outcomes

2) Bottom-up process: plans and decisions are made and formed by the community or individual and it challenges the top tier to make changes.

  • Holistic: there is interaction between different disciples to come to a conclusion
    • Multi- collaborating work to find best action
    • Inter-working together throughout process
    • Trans-there…


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