Reactive metals/ Extracting


Metals and oxygen- When a metal reacts with oxygen it forms metal oxide. This is a chemical change or chemical reaction which involves the metal chemically joining to oxygen. The compound which is made has different properties from the metal and the oxygen from which it was formed.

When a metal reacts with the air it is reacting with oxygen in the air. This type of reaction where an element reacts with oxygen is called oxidation. The general equation for metal and oxygen is: metal + oxygen --> metal oxide

eg iron + oxygen --> iron oxide                  magnesium + oxygen --> magnesium oxide

Properties of metals- conductor of heat and electricity, malleable, high density, sonorous, ductile, high melting point, strong, shiny, some magnetic.

Tarnishing-To gather a thin layer of discolouration by reacting with air.

Unreative-Describes a material that does not react.

Corrosion- A metal breaking down by reacting with oxygen (and sometimes moisture)

Rusting- the corrosion of iron, which reacts with oxygen and water to make a flaky iron oxide.

Metal oxide- A compound containing only metal and oxygen.

Metals and water- A metal reacting with water produces a metal hydroxide. The gas hydrogen is produced, to test for this you use a lit splint held over the substance, it should make a squeaky pop. The general equation for metal reacting with water is:                                                      metal + water --> metal hydroxide + hydrogen  ( hydroxide ions are alkalines)

eg     sodium + water --> sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

Metals and steam - Although most metals will not react with water, some are able to react with steam. The general equation for metal reacting with steam is:                                                      metal + steam --> metal oxide + hydrogen

eg   pottasium + steam --> pottasium oxide + hydrogen

Metals and acid - Some metals are able to react with acid. If they do the gas hydrogen is produced and the hydrochloric acid always…


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