Radiation and life


Ionisisng Radiation

Some materials Emit ionising gamma radiation all the time. Ionising radiation has photons with enough energy to remove an electron from an atom or molecule to form ions.

Ionising radiation are those with high enough photon energy to remove an electron from an atom or molecule. Ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays are all examples of ionising radiation.

Ions are very reactive and can easily take part in other chemical reactions.

                                                                     Cell Damage

When living cells absorb radiation, damage can occur in different ways:

  • The heating affect can cause damage.
  • Ionising radiation, such as ultraviolet radiation, can damage cells, causing ageing of the skin
  • ionising radiaion can cause mutations in the nucleus of a cell, which can lead to cancer
  • Different amounts of exposure can cause different effects, e.g. high-intensity ionising radiation can kill cells, leading to radiation poisoning

radioactive material emits ionising radiation all the time.
Living cells absorb the radiation
the irritated cell may ...
....suffer no damage
...mutate, which can lead to cancer
...die, leading to burns, sickness and even death.

Radiation Protection

Micowaves are stronly absorbed by water molecules, which means microwaves can be used to heat objects containing water.
Microwave ovens has a metal case and a wire screen in the door- this reflects the microwaves and protects users by…


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