protein Synthesis

  • Created by: Ahmra
  • Created on: 05-03-13 10:15

There are three different types of RNA

  • mRNA
  • rRNA
  • tRNA

There are two main processes involved in making a Protein.

  • Transcription - the Formation of mRNA
  • Translation - the Translation of the code

DNA, which does not leave the nucleus, acts as a template or blueprint for the production of mRNA, which carries the instructions needed for Protein Synthesis from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The function of the ribosome is to provide a suitable surface for the attachment of mRNA and then the assembly of protein.

  • DNA acts as a template providing the instructions in the form of a long sequence of nucleotides.
  • A complementary section of part of this sequence is made into mRNA by a process called Transcription.
  • The mRNA acts as a template to which complementary tRNA molecules attach and the amino acids they carry are linked to form a polypeptide by a process called a Translation.

The basic process of Protein Synthesis occurs as follow:-


  • The mRNA is copied from a specific region of DNA called Cistron.
  • Often this is equivalent to a Gene and codes for a specific polypepetide.
  • The Enzyme DNA HelicASE acts on a specific region of the DNA molecule (Cistron), to break the Hydrogen Bonds between bases, causing the two strands to seperate and expose the nucleotides bases in that region.
  • The Enzyme RNA Polymerase links to the DNA at the beginning of the sequence to be copied. The double-stranded DNA first unwinds and then unzips in the relevant region. Only one of the DNA strand acts as a template against which a matching mRNA can be formed
  • Transcription occurs when free RNA nucleotides then align themselves opposite one of the two strands. ( Template strand )
  • Because of the complementary relationships between the bases in DNA and the free Nucleotides, Cytosine in the DNA attracts a Guanine, Guanine a Cytosine, Thymine an Adenine and Adenine an uracil
  • In RNA no Thymine is present as Uracil replaces thymine.
  • RNA Polymerase moves along the DNA forming bonds that…


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