PROSE - Exposure by Wilfred Owen

  • Created by: Sash
  • Created on: 07-05-14 16:02


Wilfred Owen


  • voice of many
  • different people speaking
  • boredom
  • numb
  • flows easily
  • cycle - starts where it finishes
  • seasons - disorintating

Subject Matter

  • conditions of the trenches
  • futility of war


  • 'Our' - first person plural - involves us - all a part of it - personal experiece - relatable 
  • use of eplisis '...' - string of consciousness - numb or don't know what to say?
  • 'Worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous,' - creates a whisper - grumbling in the ranks - gossiping - waiting
  • 'whisper, curious, nervous' - rule of 3
  • repetition of 'But nothing happens.' - days are…


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