Positivism - Research Process

  • Created by: Farah
  • Created on: 01-01-23 16:41

Positivism (the research process)

Deduction + Falsification - Karl Popper

Durkheim argued theories should be derived from evidence - gathering data, describing, classifying + ananlysing social facts. This process is what creates the theories. This is known as a "inductive approach".

The deductive approach is the complete opposite to the inductive approach. Advocated by Karl Pooper. He believes this method is the definitive approach which enables science to proceed. 


Popper believes scientists shouldn't look for evidence that contributes towards their theories. They should disprove or "falsify" them. The theory should be constructed in a way which allowed evidence to be tested against + capable of falsification.

Example: Marx's theory

Marxists often believe that there will be an act of revolution amongst the capitalist society. But Popper disprove - Marxists heavily rely on future events to support…


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