Part 1: Section C


Part 1: Beliefs and Values - Section C

a) Human relationships

women and men, men and men, women and women. More equality inside the house (Europe), different roles (ususally not stereotypical).

sexual relationships

  • Bible- against pre-marital sex
  • sex is an act of love and commitment and should only take place in marriage.
  • having sex with someone when you are in a relationship with another is bad, adultery.
  • avoid promiscuity in having casual sex.
  • we should be faithful to our couple.

Christian attitudes to homosexuality:

  • Many Christians- accept homosexuality oppose to concept of homosexual sex, it's a sin. Gay couples can´t adopt children, or marry and it's forbidden to marry in church.
  • UK law legalized gay marriage, same rights as same-sex couples. only liberal progressive christians churches will permit gay people into their clergy.
  • Some very conservative christians (Russian Orthodox Church or Fundamentalists EVangelical Christians) preach in a homophobic way.
  • Liberal Progressive groups of christians an non-religious want to grant full freedom to same-sex attracted people and it sholdn't be connected to any religion, it's a private matter.

b) Marriage and partnership

different christian attitudes against some types of sex

  • Bible only allows sex inside marriage.
  • children born outside marriage may have less stable family life in their adult life.
  • Promiscuity makes a person vulnerable to sexualty transmitted diseases.
  • loving sexual relations unites a married couple.
  • adultery breaks the marriage vow of faithfulness.

Why is marriage


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