P2(i) - Forces and Motion 2.

Different fundamental patterns, rules and tips, exploring- 

  • Electricity
  • Magnetism
  • Earth & Space
  • Light
  • Sound

D-T and V-T Graphs.

Distance - Time Graphs.

The vertical axis of a distance-time graph is the distance travelled from the start.

The horizontal axis of a distance-time graph is the time taken from the start.


Very Important Notes.

1) Gradient = Speed.

2) Flat sections are where it's stopped.

3) The steeper the graph the faster it's going.

4) Downhill sections mean it's going back towards it's starting point.

5) Curves represent acceleration or deceleration.

6) A steepening curve means it's speeding up (increasing gradient).

7) A leveling off curve means it's slowing down (decreasing gradient).

Calculating Speed from a Distance-Time Graph - It's Just the Gradient.

The blue line is steeper than the red because it represents an object moving faster than the one represented by the red line. The red line represents a typical journey where an object returns to the start again. The line representing the return journey slopes downward.

When an object moves in a straight line at a steady speed, you can calculate its speed if you know how far it travels and how long it takes. This equation


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