P2 notes

  • Created by: loupardoe
  • Created on: 04-02-17 08:26

velocity and distance-time graphs

  • speed and velocity are both measured in m/s
  • speed= how fast you're going
  • velocity must have the direction specified
  • speed= distance/time
  • gradient=speed
  • flat= stationary
  • straight line= steady speed
  • the steeper the graph, the faster it's going
  • downhill sections meanit's going back toward it's starting point
  • curves= acceleration/deceleration
  • a steepening curve means it's speeding up
  • a levelling off curve means it's slowing down

acceleration and velocity-time graphs

  • acceleration= how quickly the velocity is changing
  • can be a change in speed or a change in direction or both
  • acceleration= change in velocity/time taken
  • m/s squared
  • gradient= acceleration
  • flat sections= steady speed
  • the steeper graph, the greater the acceleration or deceleration
  • uphill= acceleration
  • downhill= deceleration
  • the area under any section of the graph- the distance travelled in that time interval
  • curve= changing acceleration

weight, mass and gravity

  • gravity attracts all masses
  • anything near a planet or star is attracted to it very strongly
  • on the surface of a planet, gravity makes all things accelerate towards the ground
  • acceleration is 10m/s squared on earth
  • gives everything a weight
  • mass= amount of stuff in an object
  • will have the same value anywhere in the universe
  • weight= caused by the pull of the gravitational force
  • weight= force measured in newtons
  • mass is not a force
  • weight= mass x gravitational field strength

resultant forces

  • in most real situations there at least two forces acting on a object along any direction
  • the overall effect of these forces will decide the motion of the object
  • if you have a number of forces acting at a single point, you can replace them with a single force
  • if the forces all act along the same line, the overall effect is found by just adding or subtracting them
  • the overall force you get is called the resultant force
  • the force of gravity is acting downwards
  • causes a reaction force
  • only way it can be in balance
  • without a reaction force, it would accelerate downwards due to the pull of gravity
  • if there is a resultant force acting on an object, then the object will change its state of rest or motion
  • causes a change in the object's velocity

forces and acceleration

  • if the resultant force on a stationary object is zero, the object will remain stationary
  • if there is no resultant force on a moving object it'll just carry on moving at the same velocity
  • if there is a non-zero resultant force, then the object will accelerate in the direction of the force
  • f= ma or a= f/m
  • m= mass in kg
  • a= acceleration in m/s squared
  • f= the resultant force in N
  • when two objects interact, the forces they exert on each other are equal and opposite

frictional force and terminal velocity

  • if an object has no force propelling it along it will always show down and stop because of friction
  • friction always acts in the opposite direction to movement
  • to travel at a steady speed, the driving force needs to balance the frictional forces
  • you get…


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