P1 A4 Cheat Sheet


P1 Cheat Sheet 

  • Specific Heat Capacity is how much energy is needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1°C - J/kg/°C
  • Specific Latent Heat is how much energy is needed to melt or boil 1kg of the material - in J/kg 
  • When an object is heated and it changes state, energy is transferred, but the temperature remains constant as energy is needed to break the bonds
  • Conduction is particles vibrating and the heat transfers 
  • Convection is gas being heated and it rises as it's less dense
  • Radiation is electromagnetic waves that transfer heat
  • Double Glazing - reduces conduction
  • Loft Insulation - reduces conduction and convection
  • Cavity Wall Insulation - reduces conduction and convection
  • Shiny Foil on both sides of insulation blocks - reduces radiation
  • Everything that transfers energy will result in wasted heat energy to the surroundings
  • Energy transfers can be shown by Sankey Diagrams 
  • Frequency is the number of waves that pass a point in one second 
  • The most diffraction occurs when the gap is similar size to the wavelength
  • White light is made up of different colours of different frequencies out of phase
  • Laser light…


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