one biological and social explanation of criminal behaviour


One biological explanation for criminal behaviour is inherited criminality.It has been proposed that one or more genes predispose indiviudals to a life of crime. There has been evidence for this from twin studies for example Raine looked at twins and compared MZ and DZ twins and found a 52% concordance rate for MZ twins and a 21% conordance rate for DZ twins. There are two genes that predispose indiviudals to a lfie of crime and these are the MAOA gene which is also known as the 'warrior gene' and also the CDH13 gene. Brunner et al analysed he DNA of 28 males from a Dutch family with a history of impulsive and aggressive behaviour for example **** and attempted murder and found that each of…




Differential association theory is lacking in A01 (probably 6-7 marks for A01 here).