Micro Topic 1c Production possibility curves


Definition: The PPC shows how much can be produced using all possible resources in the economy.

Assumptions when drawing a PPB:

  • 2 goods are being produced
  • current factors of production
  • productivity= output per f.op per hour
  • technology is fixed (c.p)

STRAIGHT LINE=Constant opportunity cost (what you give up is equal to what you gain on any point of the curve).

Overview of the Production Possibility Curve

CURVED LINE= The f.o.p are not equally suited to produce each output. As output of one good/service is increased, more resources have to be sacrificed for production. Opportunity cost increases.

Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost: Definition & Concept - Video & Lesson  Transcript | Study.com

  • If a point lies within a PPF, then resources are being employed inefficiently. Total output…


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