
  • Created by: Dom3603
  • Created on: 30-04-17 16:21

Extracting metals from their ores depends on how reactive the metal is. If a metal is not very reactive then it will be obtained throught phyical processes. 

Most metals are foud as metal oxides and to extract metals from their oxides, heat the oxide with another element. This is called reduction.

If the metal is less reactive than carbon, the carbon will displace the metal and pure metal and carbon dioxide will be produced.

If a metal is more reactive than carbon then it will be extracted through electrolysis. However, electrolysis requires a large anmount of electricity so it is an expensive process.

Transition metals

These metals are strong and have a high melting point. Like all other metals, they are good at conducting electricity and heat. Also, they can be easily hammered or bent into shape.

These properties make transition metals good for structural


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