
  • Created by: Syd2003
  • Created on: 02-11-20 20:07

Baddeley (1966): coding study: gave ppt different lists to remember: acoustically similar/ different and semantically similar/ different. L: not meaningful material
Miller: capacity: 7+-2 L: overestimated the capacity in the STM
Bahrick: used high school yearbooks. Recall was tested by photo recognition and free recall. Within 15 yrs were 90% and within 48 yrs was 30% S: high external validity

MSM- Shallice and Warrington (1970): studied KF, patient with amnesia, STM for digits was poor when read aloud but better when he reads them. Suggests there is more than one type of STM.

TOLTM- Cw study: suffered from severe amnesia from a viral infection. Can’t remember his education, can remember his wife. Procedural memory okay, episodic memory somewhat okay but semantic memory poor. S: RS

WMM- Baddeley (1975): ppts had more difficulty remembering…


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