Learning theory of attachment


Learning theory-this suggests that human behaviour is shaped by the environment-it comes from the behaviourist approach and relates to conditioning.

Classical conditioning-learning through association.

Operant conditioning-learning through reinforcement.

Social learning theory-learning through observing others, this involves vicarious reinforcement.

The theory suggests that we are born as 'blank slates' who must learn through our environment-they believe that we learn our attachments through our need for food.

Classical conditioning

  • infant is born with reflex stimulus (unconditioned stimulus) 
  • the stimulus of food brings a response of pleasure (unconditioned response)
  • food provider/caregiver (neutral stimulus) becomes associated with this pleasure over time.
  • the food giver then becomes a source of pleasure regardless of whether the food is supplied or not (conditioned stimulus&conditioned response) 
  • this is seen as the basis of the attachment bond.
  • Pavlov's dog

Operant conditioning

  • Dollar and


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