Kaiser Germany 1


Germany before WWI

Before 1871, Germany was not an actual country, but was made up of several different states united.

Prussia was the largest state.

They were all linked by similar language and culture.

The Prussian king wanted to unite all the German-speaking states together to make them more powerful.

Prussia fought wars against France, Austria, and Denmark.

By 1871, the new nation of Germany had been formed.

How was Germany ruled?

  Kaiser- Ruled over all the states in Germany. Made all decisions about the army, navy and foreign countries.

Bundesrat- Made up of representatives from each state to consult with the Kaiser over new laws. The Kaiser was able to ignore their advice.

Advisors- Group of ministers who drew up laws with the Kaiser. Most important was the Chancellor.Ultimately, the Kaiser made all the decisions, as if ministers did not do what he wanted, he would sack them.

Reichstag- The  German parliament which was elected by all men over the age of 25. Discussed and voted on all laws that the Kaiser and his ministers drew up. Kaiser did not have to act upon their decisions.

Industrial productiuon of Germany in comparison to Britain

At the beginning of 1880, Britain was more successful in the industrial production by about 12.5%. As time went on, the percentage decreased for Britain and increased for Germany, making Germany about 3% more successful by 1913. Germany had 12.5% of the world's production in 1880 and Britain had 25%.

The German industrial performance might affect relations with Britain by making them more competitive against each other and making Britain fear the fact that they are losing. Germany and Britain could be seen as rivals in terms of world influence.

Problems ruling Germany for the Kaiser's government

Industrialisation- The development of industries; factories, manufacture and trade in a country. 

Many workers in factories, mines and worksops were unhappy with poor working conditions, low wages and high prices. More workers joined trade unions and organised strikes to put pressure on the Kaiser's government to improve conditions. 

This was a problem for the Kaiser because people could start to try to otherthrow the people in the government and make them lose money as people would refuse to work in these conditions.

Wetpolitik- Means ''world policy'', the idea of making Germany a global power with control over other countries.

By the 1890s, many of the larger European countries (e.g. Britain and France) had large overseas empires. The…


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