
  • Created by: emsvelho
  • Created on: 25-01-17 17:53

What is investment?

  • Total money spent by firms on assets they'll use to produce goods (a.k.a capital goods)
  • Makes up 15% of AD in the UK
  • Gross investment is the total investment spending
  • Net investment accounts for only the investment that increases productive capacity, so gross investment - capital depreciation
  • Depreciation is the fall in the value of capital as it wears out and becomes less efficient which causes an outwards shift of PPF and economic growth
  • Investment is an injection into the circular flow of income so it creates a multiplier effect but some goods are imported which is a leakage from the circular flow of income
  • Investment increases AD by more than the size of the investment

What affects investment?

  • Risk: if there's a high risk…


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