How does Dickens present Scrooge


How Dickens presents Scrooge

Paragraph 1:
Scrooge is presented as an incredibly acquisitive man that only cares about money, is very selfish and tight-fisted
Quotes: "He was a tight-fisted hand"
              "grasping, scraping clutching covetous, old sinner!"
              "No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle"
AO2-Analyse the language:
Although Scrooge is a wealthy man, who's obsession with money leads to his downfall. It completely consumes him that he neglects the people around him, and the people that matter the most to him.
The list of verbs enable the reader to build an image of Scrooge and all pre modifies the noun 'sinner'. The verbs all have connotations of trying to get something- all quite aggressive verbs(actions). The compound adjective 'tight-fisted' meaning not willing to spend or give money is used to develop the idea that Scrooge is greedy and selfish.
AO3- This may be because of the unfair society that Scrooge is living in in the Victorian era and Dickins wanted this to be reflected in


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