
  • Created by: Pilot94
  • Created on: 21-05-23 13:45

weathering processes


mainly seasonal, water freezes in winter and thaws in summer

freeze thaw helps create a jagged landscape of frost shattered rock, weakens rock so they are more easily eroded, creates scree which acts as a powerful erosion tolol when trapped under moving glacier

erosion processes

abrasion - a sandpaper effect caused by ice scouring the valley floor

striations (scratcehs) - are caused by large rocks below the ice

plucking - occurs when meltwater beneath a glacier freezes around a rock, loose rock is pliucked away as the glacier oves over it

glacial movement

in summer meltwater lubricates the glacier so that it can slide downhill - basal slip - in jollows high on the valley side the movement may be more curved -> rotational slip

in the winter the glacier is frozen to the rock surface, the weight of the ice and effect of gravity cause ice crystals to change shape. this is called internal deformation and causes the glacier to move slowly downhill

glacial transporation

sediment carried by a glacier called moraine can be transported on, in or below the ice

as a glacier moves it pushes loose material ahead of it, its called bulldozing

glacial deposition

deposition occurs when ice melts: most occurs at the glacier's snout (the front)

as a glacier melts and retreats, it leaves behind poorly sorted rock fragments called till or boulder clay

in front of thej glacier meltwater transports sediment away. larger rocks are depsoited close to the ice, finer material is carried further away, this…


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